Thursday, February 11, 2016


I remember I was 14 the first time I actually started to pay
attention to the gift that had been before my eyes for such
a long time. I would sit on the roof of my house and watch 
the sun disappear behind the cities each night. Each night
was different. Sometimes the wind softly blew, making the
leaves of the trees rustle and the chimes from the playground
sing softly. Other times everything was completely still, but 
the sun made up for the lack of music as it put on a glorious
show all its own. Dashes of purple and pink would interweave 
with streaks of orange and splashes of light blue, and, in the 
middle of it all, the sun told the story of a majesty and beauty 
that I yearned to know better.
Why did I not notice that much beauty until 14?
  Because until 14, I never had to rely on the Creator of that 
beauty. In one year, everything I knew to be true was challenged.
The things that I held most dear, that I relied on for strength and 
comfort, was taken away. But God, through each sunset, 
reminded me of His faithfulness. Because each night was 
unique - different; not what you would expect.

And even though it was unexpected, it was beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Victoria! Your faith and joy in the Lord thrills my heart which burgeons with love for you, my precious niece!
